Sunday, December 16, 2007


.12/17/2007 5:52:25 AM SL TIME

Time has been flying between coming and going nobody really knowing whether coming or going - oh what’s really going on. Ayoob, Came from salubrious Bogo, passing teapots, tea spots and water falls to AK in the centre to see the world and then came Muad home an home capitalizing on the facilities in the capital city amidst bombs and crossovers in the House, from where also came the princess Jannah all the way – half way across the world passing deserts, oceans and time zones, cultures and fluctuating temperatures to enter this wide welcome world in the midst of snow covered cold lakes and highways to warm the hearts so many of us- who waited for her day after day

May all these angels fill our hearts with joy and spread the message of happiness in this holy month of Haj, to one and all. They have made us forget our daily dues and duties to see the world as a playground spreading happiness. They have brought us closer.

New births have brought new hopes and new tasks,

Belly buttons have dropped
Hairs shaven and their heads all bald
Aqiqas given and duties fulfilled
The parents have new dreams made

Musketeers These three?
When will they meet
And when will they be free
On these bulletins to feast

It’s a week Aadil tells me
I have forgotten, believe me
Hooked to the daddy and new mummy
Faz at times and all the time me

Sunday last
Things happened fast
Doubts aside all cast
Jannah, came very pretty fast

This week brings snow – more and more. Then three days of Eid round the world showing where Muslim priorities are. But I need to wind up and let things be.

Que sera sera ,What ever will be will be. The future’s, not ours, to see……wow ..There I go again. But I can not leave without reminding my friends, philosophers and countrymen that we were in India last Eid. Next Eid…Where will we be , we be?

1 comment:

Tasha said...

Very Chirpy! Loved reading that!!!